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The Things You Can Do with Dice

So I got the inspiration to do this after meeting a girl named 'Dakota' while I was at a summer program in San Luis Obispo.  One night she stacked three dice up with the middle one on it's corner and I really wanted to recreate that.  So I did and I also took other pictures of the dice in general.

Portraits: Black and White

Just a collection of selfies where I experimented with different types of light, mainly rembrandt and split, to create different types of emotions.  My mom said I looked like a ghost, I think I look fine.

Shotglass Collection

Continuing on with taking pictures of glass things, I looked at my shotglass collection that hadn't recieve much attention.  I found one that had red speckles on the bottom and stuck it on my lamp which made it look like it was on fire or melting.  It actually looked cooler than the lava lamp I have.  It also sort of looks like the sun with the planatary motions of the planets around it. 

Just some random photos that I've taken in daily life.
Chess Pieces

While I was filming one day, I decided to take pictures of  individual chess pieces which then inspired me to take more pictures in different settings.  One day I used my curtain as a backdrop and found that a filter for taking pictures for snow makes these frosted chess pieces look much more brighter.  I also took pictures during the night where I laid the chess board on a glass shelf and shined a light beneath to cast really creepy looking shadows and make the pieces blue due to the reflection off the blue wall.

P H O T O G R A P H Y 

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