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Traditional Artwork

I used to suck at drawing by hand, I was so ashamed of my drawings that I actually burned them.  However, I continued practicing and got a lot better.  I prefer a hybrid realism/anime style of drawing but I am learning how to draw real life objects such as apples.  It's very tedious. I am also trying to create original artwork rather than freehand copy a picture, I've have drawn only one thing that I actually like and I can't wait until that number grows.

Digital Artwork

Here are some amateur digital drawings that I do in my spare time.  When I first started off I used a little netbook and a 2-inch track pad, using PaintTool Sai.  Then I moved onto using a Hanvon tablet before eventually getting a touchscreen computer with stylus.  I am currently still using PaintTool Sai but I dabble a bit with Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. 

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